Sunday, October 25, 2009

Relaxing with Dad and Rocky

I love this picture of Harrison, Paul and Rocky.  I especially love the content smile Harrison has on his face, everyone is just so relaxed.  My sweet little family.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Newborn portraits

Miss Janelle came to our house today to take Harrison's newborn portraits. Harrison was very cooperative, he was mostly asleep during the entire session.

Even Rocky boy steals a shot. He is a natural in front of the camera, who knew he was so photogenic.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aunt Melody

Aunt Melody visits Harrison today.

Can't stay awake.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Six days old

Harrison spends most of his day sleeping right now so I have captured his many sleepy faces. 

I wonder if Harrison is having a good dream.

Ahhhh, life is good!

Such a sweet and peaceful baby, we feel the utmost responsibility to love, care for, and provide a life rich with experiences for little Harrison.

Let's take a nap.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Going Home

Three days at the hospital was just too long, we were so excited to take Harrison home!

Harrison in the nursery, waiting for the pediatrician to check on him so that he could be discharged. 

I took this through the glass window.  I felt bad to leave him there alone amongst the hustle and bustle of the nurses' station.

It was nice to be wheeled through the hospital and not have to walk. This was my second time in a wheelchair, first time was after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. 


Harrison is strapped into the car seat and ready to go.  He seemed so tiny and much too fragile for those big shoulder straps.

Grandma and grandpa were the first ones to come visit us at home.  Grandma is so excited to hold Harrison.  That's me in the background, still have the belly.

Sleeping peacefully in a bassinet borrowed from the Phan's. This will be Harrison's bed for the next two months.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Second Day at Hospital

Today is our second day at the hospital and we can't wait to take baby Harrison home.  The beds are uncomfortable and it's difficult to get any rest with constant interruptions. 

Baby Harrison is still swollen from birth. Since we had no mittens, we covered his hands with socks to prevent him from scratching himself.

Audrey and Jordan came to visit.  They have been anticipating the birth of their little cousin for a long time.  Dad sits on the floor to let Audrey and Jordan hold little Harrison.

Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Ming, Katie, Jack and Aunt Amy

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Harrison's Birthday

I've created this blog to chronicle our lives together as a family.  Life happens so fast!  We hope that one day, when our children are grown, we will read this blog and remember all those wonderful experiences we've shared.

The Birth of Harrison Nguyen

After experiencing contractions since 8:00 in the morning, we arrive at Woman's Hospital of Texas at 11:30.  During the last month of pregnancy, I was feeling very excited in anticipation of this day.  Finally, we will get to hold our baby and see his face.

The labor seemed to be going pretty smoothly until the nurse panicked and called the doctor in.  We were told that our baby's heart rate dropped drastically and that an emergency c-section would need to be performed right away.  I was scared to tears to know that our baby was in danger and at the prospect of needing surgery.  I was prepped for surgery but luckily, with continued monitoring, our doctor said everything was ok and a c-section was no longer necessary.  After many hours of labor, Harrison Michael Nguyen was born at 7:30 in the evening, 10 days earlier than his expected due date.

The epidural really helped me to relax and focus on labor, not to mention easing the pain!

Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Melody, Cousins Justin and Austin waiting for Harrison's arrival.

Harrison came out screaming, weighing 6 lbs 6.5 ounces and 19.5 inches long.