Thursday, November 26, 2009


This year, we spent Thanksgiving at the Rodriguezs' home.

Grandpa never smiles for the camera.

The Rodriguezs' are the best hosts! Look at the dessert spread.

Austin is great babysitter, Harrison falls asleep in his arms.

Uncle Eric plays the guitar for Jordan and Audrey.

Star Wars

The Bui's gave Harrison this Star Wars onesie because Harrison Ford's picture is on it, and Dad is somewhat of a Star Wars fan.  Not that I want him to, but Harrison looks so cute when he is crying.
Just to set the record straight, Harrison was not named after Harrison Ford!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bouncy Chair

Paul and I were in serious need of newborn entertainment in order to distract Harrison long enough to get a meal in. After trying many different swings, Harrison seemed to tolerate this bouncy chair that Aunt Mary bought for him.  I love Harrison's pursed lips.